Monday, April 28, 2008


Some illustrations commissioned for the Wyclef video, echoing the song's references to Kanye West, Biggie, Tupac, Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes, and Sean Bell. I was asked me to draw them as children, in a bit of artistic license. So cute!

I did multiples of all of these because everyone likes to have options to pick from. I did many more of Kanye because the director didn't like my original versions, and was too busy to spend all day going back and forth with revisions. I figured if I just threw enough options at him one of them would have to hit if only by accident. (I even pasted in the reference photos. As if to say, "See, he really does wear sweaters like that.") You can see the versions that got picked bouncing around in the animated backgrounds in the video.

I think "Li'l Biggie & Tupac" could be a cartoon show, don't you?

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