Friday, February 23, 2007

Hot XXX figure drawing action!

Maybe you're like me. You'd like to get to a life drawing class now and then, but you work full time and then some, and you've got responsibilities at home, so you haven't gone to a class in a long time. Well I'm about to let you in on a little secret: You know that "personal computer" thingy that's sitting on your desk that you thought was only good for word processing and doing your taxes? Well it turns out that if you log on to the "internet" (ask a young person), you can actually find lots of photographs of nude figure models. I'm serious, there must be literally hundreds of them! Sometimes they even show up in my "electronical mail", without me having to do anything! All I can figure out is that someone is putting these sites up as some kind of a public service for home-bound illustrators. Perhaps someday when "e-commerce" (again, sorry for the technical jargon) is more developed, someone will figure out some kind of angle to market this stuff. Whoever does that is going to make a fortune!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know what u mean dude, we should do the real figure sometimes.great stuff though