Thursday, April 26, 2007


I didn't really care when Imus went down, besides coming to the conclusion that Al Sharpton really is a publicity-seeking clown. Now my very own favorite radio show is on the block. The Doghouse with JV and Elvis, my pick to inherit Howard Stern's crown and the guys that get me through my day, has been suspended by CBS radio. The same company that suspended Imus before throwing his ass under the bus. Because they made a prank call to a Chinese takeout place, and asked for Chicken Flied Lice. Which is maybe a little lazy and played out, I freely admit. But I guess it's open season on radio guys now.

This sucks.

UPDATE: They got canned, and the whole station went under a few weeks later. Thus endeth the Free FM "hot-talk format" experiment. JV and Elvis are talking about getting a streaming internet thing going, until the climate of fear has died down in broadcast radio.

On an unrelated topic, I am disastrously drunk in the above picture.


Anonymous said...

Blog Kingpin Steve Bunche ( took me to school. I had to repost it because he had been signed in on someone else's account. His remarks as follows:

I heard the whole phone call and "flied lice" was the least offensive thing about it. The tone of the caller's delivery treated the receiver like a moron who needed to have things said to them slowly, and on top of that there were the references to wanting "spicy Chinese ass." This kind of bullshit went on for quite some time, was, indeed, lazy, and even shorn of the ethnically/cutural insenitive bits, it just wasn't funny.

NOTE TO THOSE WHO DON'T HIM: Kevin is a sweet, intelligent individual who has not a racist molecule in his body, so I'll let him slide on the prank call, despite my incredulity at him apparently not getting why it was offensive.

You probably already read what I had to say about Imus so I'll leave that alone, but considering what a savvy guy you are I'm shocked to read you just twigged to the utter awfulness that is Al Sharpton; I had him sussed twenty years ago during the whole Tawana Brawley debacle — there's no such thing as a racist assailant who doesn't know how to properly spell "nigger," as Sharpton would have had us believe when Brawley showed up with "niger" written on her in feces — and he has used every possible situation to play the race card, and unfortuanately too many of us highly rhythmic Americans buy into his snake oil. Fighting hate-mogering with rabble rousing is irresponsible at best, but Sharpton doesn't give a fuck who his antics hurt as long as his bloated meatloaf of a face gets into papers or onto your TV screen. I truly hate him, and hope that years of KFC abuse catch up to him and seize up his heart like a rusty chainsaw.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you're right, it wasn't really funny. It was pretty stupid. I tend to find their prank bits a bit harsh to be honest. But talking off the cuff they're funny as hell.

I honestly thing the Organization for Chinese Americans is more interested in scoring some TV coverage than evaluating any particular piece of popular entertainment. Now that CBS caved in to Sharpton, the line is that the Chinese are the victim of a double standard if these two goofballs don't lose their jobs. So basically CBS has cut its own throat and will now have to fire its edgier talent any time someone says the wrong thing trying to be funny. OCA is now scouring the audio archives on the internet trying to pick out anything they can hang these guys with.

What can I tell you. I'm losing my favorite show and I'm upset.

P.S., the reason the voice was speaking slow is because it was actually an old bit, with the caller's voice replaced by a computer-generated one. The guy who made the original call was their old producer, who happens to be Asian-American. Oh the irony!